Thursday, 6 April 2017

The itinerary for the trip with Sebastian Andrei

I return to Myanmar today and the draft itinerary has a few differences already!
Usually I fly into Yangon, take a taxi to the Highway bus station, board a GI Group overnight bus and arrive in Mandalay at 5.00 a.m. This time Saya Htay and Win San are driving down from Mandalay to the Highway bus station (a five hour drive I believe) and will pick me up.
We should have headed first to Bago to find some poor villages (never hard to find) and stayed on for me to write up the Bago Buddhist Pagoda Festival.  However, first, we will go to Nyaung Pin Zauk, Win San and Saya Htay’s village, because Saya Htay's nephew is doing Shin Pyu. This is the novitiation ceremony when young Buddhist boys are inducted into the monastery.
After our time in the village we will head to Mandalay and on the 11th April meet Sebastian Andrei at the airport. Sebastian is the documentary film maker who is making a film of our project Gifts of Sight which, when completed, will go on U-Tube. Win San and Saya Htay will go to their own home in Mandalay, Sebastian and I will go to Garden Hotel, the owners of which will undoubtedly be pleased that a documentary film maker is staying.
My task to be completed before Sebastian arrives is to find out the occupation of all the people to whom we have given glasses (in Nyaung Pin Zauk – not in the whole of Myanmar!) to see if\how their life has improved now that they can see. I am sure there will be a weaver and, doubtless, someone who can now see to read. I remember last year we gave away some glasses to a man who was the bookkeeper at the Pagoda in a village around Indawgyi Lake who had not been able to read for four years. His bookkeeping ledger must have been imaginative (like my maths).
My task done in advance means that Sebastian can choose which subjects he feels are the most interesting to people in other countries whom we hope will see the film Gifts of Sight and take some gifts of sight when they next go on holiday. I believe we will stay in Nauk Pin Zauk until Sebastian has all the footage he needs.
The Water Festival is on everywhere in Myanmar 13-16 April. Doubtless wherever we are we will not avoid a soaking. From 15-22 April the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival is on in Bago and the Popa Ceremony is on at Mount Popa from 17-23 April.
Of course we will be visiting one village after another when I have finished writing up the festivals.
At some point on our journey we will overnight in Bagan not necessarily to give away glasses, but Sebastian very much wants to film the incredible sunrise and sunset for which Bagan is famed.
By Sunday 23 April, exhausted no doubt, we will be back in Mandalay recovering before the overnight bus to Yangon, which gets in at 5.00 next morning. We will check into Beautyland II Hotel where they always greet me with “Welcome home”! Sebastian will then have a whole day to see the sights of Yangon before we fly back to Kuala Lumpur.
Now I must finish my packing. That won't take long as I can take almost nothing but the glasses. This time I am taking 245 pairs and I have almost the same number in my trunk for my next visit in July.
I have been given some great advice from some of my friends. The first involved an email to Tony Fernandez CEO of Air Asia. I have asked for a few extra kilos of baggage allowance free of charge, as I believe he is willing to help charitable initiatives. Next time I will contact the Public Relations part of his organisation to see if all the glasses baggage can go free of charge. We shall see.

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